We use 95% organic Peruvian Pima cotton. This fabric is known for its exceptional comfort, durability, and health benefits. Our Pima cotton is cultivated in a chemical-free environment, free from any harmful substances such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and defoliants. Our garments are meticulously crafted in limited quantities by fairly compensated hands in Lima, Peru.


This collection celebrates the exquisite color palette of nature, inspired by the vibrant hues found in the heart of Iquitos, in Peru's Amazon jungle. I visited this city a year ago and was captivated by its colorful houses, chaotic markets and tropical energy. I seek to capture a bit of that through these pieces.

We've brought back the style we've been asked for the most, our #bestseller Jitka set - out of stock since 2021 - available in several different styles.

- Alexandra.